Support Us
Your support is vital and helps Maruki Gallery to permanently preserve and exhibit the Hiroshima Panels and share them with the world, as well as to facilitate socially engaged cultural and artistic programming.
We rely on the generous support of citizens, and there are many ways to support us!
Donate to the Preservation Fund for the Hiroshima Panels
The Hiroshima Panels have gained historical and social importance in recent years, and are highly valued both in Japan and throughout the world. However, the paintings have been facing serious problems from damage caused by the Gallery’s dilapidated exhibition halls and archival warehouse, which lack controls for temperature and humidity, as well as protection from UV rays, insects and dust.
On the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Gallery, we launched a fundraising appeal to preserve the Hiroshima Panels. We are now calling for support from all around the world.
Your generous support and donations will help us care for and preserve the Hiroshima Panels for future generations. You can donate as an individual, or through a foundation, trust or company.
Make a Bequest or Inheritance Donation
Your bequest or inheritance donation could help us preserve the Hiroshima Panels and fund other education programs, research and important projects at the Maruki Gallery.
Volunteer Opportunities
Our volunteers play essential roles in sharing the works of the Marukis, exhibitions, research, and educational programs and events. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us!