Date : This event has been postponed due to COVID-19.
【Notice of Postponement】Talking about Education Now: The Past, Present, and Future of the Educational Control

We sincerely regret to announce that we have postponed the talk by Kihei Maekawa, “What is My Idea of Education” and in conversation with Fujio Ogino due to the COVID-19 situation in Japan.
*This event will be held in Japanese only.
Kihei Maekawa
Born in 1955 and graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo. Maekawa is a former Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology and a representative of the Gendai Kyoiku Gyosei Kenkyukai (Modern Educational Administration Research Society). After resigning from his post, he has been invited regionally to give lectures on education, constitution, and human rights.
Selected books and other publications: Menju fukuhai (False Obedience), Mainichi Shimbun Publishing, 2018, Maekawa Kihei ‘kan’ wo kataru, (Kihei Maekawa talks about ‘Bureaucracy’), cowritten by Atsushi Yamada, Takarajimasha, 2018, Hakkiri iwasete itadakimasu! Damatte misugosu wake niwa ikanai Nihon no mondai (Let Me Speak Clearly! The problems of Japan cannot be overlooked), cowritten by Mayumi Taniguchi, Shueisha, 2019, Korekara no Nihon, korekara no kyoiku (The Future of Japan, the Future of Education), cowritten by Ken Terawaki, Chikuma Shinsho, 2017, Docho Atsuryoku (Peer Pressure), cowritten by Isoko Mochizuki and others, Kadokawa Shinsho, 2019 and others.
Fujio Ogino
Born in 1953 and graduated from School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Waseda University. Ogino specialized in modern and contemporary history of Japan. He is also well-versed on Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of during the pre-war period. Ogino is an honorary professor of Otaru University of Commerce. He has been invited regionally to give lectures on Takiji Kobayashi and the Yokohama incident.
Selected books and other publications: Tokko keisatsu (Special Higher Police), Iwanami Shinsho, 2012, Shiso kenji (Prosecutor in Charge of Investigating Political and Ideological Crimes), Iwanami Shinsho, 2000, Yami ga arukara hikari ga aru – Shinjidai wo hiraku Kobayashi Takiji (The Light shines in the Darkness: Takiji Kobayashi Opens a New Era), Association for Workers Education of Japan, 2014, Yokohama jiken to chian iji (Yokohama Incident and Maintenance of the Public Order), Seiunsya, 2006, Sengo chian taisei no kakuritsu (Establishment of Public Security Regime After the War), Iwanami Shoten, 1999, Senzen Monbu-sho no chian kino – Shiso tosei kara kyogaku rensei e (Public Security Function of Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in Pre-war: From Thought Control to Patriotic Education Camp), Azekura Shobo, 2007, Yomigaeru senji taisei: Chian taisei no rekishi to genzai (Reviving the Maintenance of Wartime System: Public Order of the History and Present State of Public Security Regime), Shueisha Shinsho, 2018, and others. He has also been an editor of many other publications.