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Exhibition & Event


Date : Jul. 31 - Sept. 30, 2021

Mana Kikuta – Blow the singe on my palm with a breath

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War Damaged Trees are trees that were damaged yet survived the air raids during World War Two. Today, in Tokyo, there are approximately 200 War Damaged Trees, and there are around 150 trees that are not certain if they are War Damaged Trees. Some trees remain uncertified because of the lack of certification systems (unlike Hiroshima and Nagasaki), or because the damage may be caused by reasons other than air raids like fire, lightning or diseases, and because people who can testify the cause of the damage are becoming fewer. War Damaged Tree exists in unexpected, ordinary places like precincts of temples, parks and parking lots. This exhibition brings the latest works from Mana Kikuta in thinking about the distance between 76 years ago and today from the wounds of the trees.

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画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: kikuta-3-600x600.jpg

画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: kikuta-4-600x600.jpg

Mana Kikuta
Artist. Born 1986, in Hiroshima, Japan. Graduate of  l’École Supérieure Média et Art à Chalon-sur-Saône. Kikuta attempts to visualise elements such as sound, smell, and memory (which are naturally difficult to record in photographs) by resonating them to the limits of photography as a medium. Her works are owned by the French National Contemporary Art Collection (FNAC) and more. She is based in Japan and France.

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