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We are recognized partners of GlobalGiving!

We’re pleased to announce that now we are recognized partners of GlobalGiving!

GlobalGiving Accelerator Graduate

We have reached our first goal of raising 5,000 USD from over 40 unique donors by the deadline (June 26). We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to you.

This will allow us to graduate from the GlobalGiving Accelerator Program, which means that we can fundraise permanently on GlobalGiving. We can continue to fundraise for this project and we are also preparing to launch our new global preservation of the Hiroshima Panels for future generations.

GlobalGiving Accelerator Certificate

The director of the virtual tour video will be Mr. Takashi Arai, who is highly acclaimed both in Japan and abroad for his works that trace the history of nuclear issues from the atomic bombings to nuclear testing and to contemporary nuclear disasters. Click here to read more about Mr. Arai.

As of July 8th, we have received 7,555 USD from 63 donors around the world. Our next goal is raising 10,000 USD for the Virtual Tour project! Please share the GlobalGiving fundraising page with your friends and family.


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